Kelly's review of Sinful Lord (Ruthless Dynasty, #3) (2024)

Once again, Sasha Leone has written another hot and sexy dark romance Sinful Lord (Ruthless Dynasty Book 3) that will lure readers into the suspenseful plot and the “dance” between the two main characters like a moths to a flame.

Sinful Lord (Ruthless Dynasty Book 3) by Sasha Leone opens with Tytus Ryzdon, brother of Rozalia Dorn who is soon-to-be Kilpatrick, obsessing over Melina Kilpatrick, an artist, who he met briefly during Lethal King: A Dark Mafia Romance (Ruthless Dynasty Book 2). As an act of good faith, Tytus decides to stealthily return the stolen abstract painting to Melina that she had painted for her brother Rian Kilpatrick to commemorate his Mafia Coronation. Since the attack on the Mafia Compound and his Coronation, Rian has kept his sister Mel “sequestered” under lock and key in an empty wing of the Compound so she can have her privacy to paint under the guise of his “protection.” However, Melina views her brother’s actions as controlling and she longs to be her independent self again. To tempt Melina as part of his secret grand plan, Tytus writes a riddle-like poem (in invisible ink and his own blood) on the back of the returned painting in which he alludes to a way in which she could escape…

Fast forward a year later, and Melina finds herself in Berlin working at Elsa’s seedy bar in Kreuzberg, the cutting-edge artist section of town. Unfortunately, during her time working in the bar, Melina has only met disgusting, grabby drunk patrons and has not had any opportunity to network with artists. Dana, a new blatantly honest young bartender, befriends Mel at work on her first day at work as they two gals find commonality amongst their differences. Their budding friendship is cut short when Elsa has Dana relay a message to Mel that she needs her to come out back to meet her artist “friend.” As Melina exits the bar in back and approaches Elsa, she discovers that she had been inadvertently set up, a black bag put over her head, and is pulled into the back of a van by two strange men.

Meanwhile, Tytus is fully aware that his once “caged” Melina-bird has flown out from under her family’s wings and is somewhere in Berlin. He approaches an old girlfriend, Yasha vonBingen, to request access to government security cameras that Yasha’s father’s company sold to the government. Yasha refuses to cooperate, so Tytus resorts to blackmail. He shows Yasha a recording as proof of their previous sex-capades that would definitively interfere with her planned coup of her father’s company since its Board of Directors would not want scandal tarnishing the company. Tytus demands to have eyes on the city of Berlin by midnight and Yasha has no choice but to comply. Now Tytus can put his plan into motion. He gets the cameras working an hour before the bar closes where Melina works; but as he waits, he does not see her leave. When he moves to other camera angles, he sees a black van shoot out into the street from a dark corner; Tytus knows in his heart that someone got to Melina before he did. He jumps in his vehicle and races to the scene after the dark van.

With Melina captured in the van with unknown kidnappers, she is soon drugged into submission before she hears a scream and the van begins to flip. With Mel’s vision being blurred and her limbs feeling like lead, she hears gunshots and is confused as to where she is and what exactly had happened. She hears the men running but is unable to discern where she is. In a blurry distance, she makes her way towards a bridge trying to escape a scary monster…until she feels herself floating in the icy cold water.

Will Tytus be able to save the talented painter and Mafia princess Melina from her impending demise? Will Tytus put his plan in motion or is he in too deep into his obsession with Melina to separate his feelings from the task? How does Mel’s Uncle Maksim Smolov enter into the mix? Will Yasha get even with Tytus or does his “family” enter the tumult and level the playing field? What will the Kilpatrick family do when they get their hands on Tytus?

Sasha Leone will manipulate your heart into cheering for the success of this Tytus and Melina as they navigate all sorts of evil and dark crime on foreign soil…

~~~~~~~~~ Kelly Wolf, PhD 12/21/2022

Kelly's review of Sinful Lord (Ruthless Dynasty, #3) (2024)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.